Useful Stuff for Members
These are pages that relate to our hobby that you might find useful or interesting.
Very Useful Stuff
- AO’s Kit Photo Guide — examples of equipment and kit picked out by the AO for their excellence.
- New Members Handbook — introduction for new members. (Pending update)
- Basic Clothing — information on clothing and some patterns.
Fairly Useful Stuff
- Shop — Buy Regia branded merchandise here – external link.
- Rondel Embroidery Designs — examples or high class embroidery patterns provided by Liz Daborn for those who need them.
- Regia Natural Dye Project — results of efforts to die natural fibres using natural dyes.
- Dye Equivalent Colours — a list of modern equivalents to period dyes.
Kit and Equipment Guides
- How to make a stool (PDF) By Alan Tidy
- A beginners guide to turnshoes (PDF) By Rhydian Jones
- Turn shoe pattern sizer (DOCX) By Rhydian Jones (also available as PDF)
- Make Trousers Beginners (PDF)
- Tunic Pattern (PDF)
- Hose Pattern (PNG)
- Fitting a spear head (PDF) By Stuart Makin
- Tent plans (PDF)
- Mending clothes (PDF) By Stephanie Everest
Society Stuff
- Who's Who in Regia Anglorum — the national officers and who does what.
- Officerships up for election — when each officership comes up for reelection.
- Local Group Land Grants — a list of the local groups.
- Map of Land Grants — where the local groups are located.
- The Society Logo — high quality images of the logo ready for download.
Interesting Stuff
- Authentic Names — example names you can chose for your characters – covers Saxon (Englisc), Viking, Norman and Welsh.
- 2016 Photo Competition Results — category winners and their winning entries.
- The Regia Armorial — list of established Angevin shield designs and who uses them.
Our Founder and Eolder
- The Eolder Scrolls — in memory of Kim Siddorn.