The Eolder Scrolls
It is unfortunate that those members of Regia Anglorum who joined after 2015 will not have the pleasure of sharing a hearth fire with its principle founder – Kim Siddorn – who passed away on Christmas Day of that year. Regia lost its most knowledgeable member, its bulwark, its champion.
Kim last took to the Regia battlefield on 13th October 2012 for the Battle of Hastings reenactment, where he was guarded by a faithful bodyguard (who hardly let him get to grips with the enemy). His last show was on 9th August 2015, when he provided commentary in his unique, sought after, style.
He was known by many names; probably most famously Neb Keprura (a pseudonym for Tutankhamun – Egyptology being another interest of his), but also the (Old) Walrus, as well as his authentic name Beorn (meaning bear, which is one reason Regia’s most impressive boat is so named).
Below are the messages sent within Regia, and those received from without, expressing sadness at his passing.
Dearest Regia friends and members wherever this finds you.
I have the saddest duty to inform you with the sombre news that Kim Siddorn, Eolder, the ‘Old Walrus’ has fought his final skirmish and died with his close family around him last night at about 10.30pm in the closing hours of Christmas Day. To many of us he was a friend and foe alike, father and mentor. He touched many, many hundreds of lives – he shaped our weekends and holidays and many thousands of shingles on the longhall at Wychurst. A Viking at heart – those of us old enough, we will also know him as Bjorn Styrbjornsson – wielder of majestic sized swords while wearing a sinister smirk upon his face. ‘King of the Jubblies’, with us all crammed into a pale blue slightly battered CF Bedford Van as we swept all before us with ours spears and spirit. In those days we were just simply Wessex. Today we are quite a family which he never really meant to make. It all got slightly out of hand.
It pains me to write much more at this moment. There was so much to him – almost too much to try and encompass in words here. There will so much to tell at the fireside. He wasn’t actually my father but I feel quite wretched about his passing.
Mike Everest our last Training Officer has penned some touching words which I pass on here. Waes du hael Kim – waes du hael my old friend.
Roland Williamson
Members of Regia.
It is with the heaviest of hearts that we inform you that John Kimball Siddorn, our friend of so many years, our mentor, and our society leader has passed on after a hard fought battle with cancer. Kim has been our guide through this journey we call Regia for over thirty years now. One of the original trailblazers of Living History and re-enactment, he hacked out a legend, beginning with Wessex and with his friends, comrades and family (to which he believed us all to be) surged ahead and forged the greatest Dark Age living history group the country has ever seen.
But this of course goes much deeper than Regia. Kim was more than just our society leader. He was more than just the fellow who crafted a society, founded a constitution and had the gumption to say 'come on guys, we can do this'. Kim was our friend. To some, he was as close as a brother, or uncle. His warm smile, even tempered voice and calm demeanour during crises was something we could all cleave to, hold close and feel whole with.
We are reminded of the great poet Kipling, with his immortal lines 'if you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs'... Kim embodied this more than so many men. This oil upon stormy waters ability he possessed would guide the society through many tempestuous times. It was he, often as a voice of reason that we could look to.
From the oldest of salts, to the newest member who had arrived for their first event, Kim's smile and handshake to greet them would be a warm welcome from a journey from one side of the country to the other. To be greeted not just by your society leader, but someone who you could genuinely call your friend. This is what made Kim special.
"Kim has passed on now. Joining his fallen friends at the mead hall at the space reserved only for the greatest. And it is with this thought that we are reminded of Kim's favourite tale, a tale that he has told to so many of us around the camp fire while the rain lashes down and the gale howls. Mort d'Arthur. The tale of the final journey of England's greatest King. But it is not Arthur that we say goodbye to. It is Bedeviere. In the tale Arthur, hands the sword Excalibur to Bedeviere to destroy and return to the lake. Bedeviere is beset by questions, is it the right thing to do? Should he keep the blade for himself? In the tale, Arthur's final words to Bedeviere are this... 'Bedeviere, I choose you, not because you were the strongest, not because you were the bravest, not because you were the fastest. Bedeviere, I chose you because you were the best of my knights...' Kim Siddorn is not Arthur... Kim Siddorn is Bedeviere. The best of us”
So it is with the heaviest of hearts that we bid farewell to a man whom was far more than the sum of his parts. Far more than a society leader. A man who was a warrior, a politician, a grandfather, a father, a brother to so many, a peaceweaver, a storyteller, a biker, an engineer, a leader, and most important of all. A friend.
Waes du hail Kim Siddorn.
Mike Everest
A sad loss to everyone who knew him.
Nyree Fleckner
I don't have any words more eloquent than those above to describe the depth of the loss to us. A great leader, a true friend, and undoubtedly the best of us. The founder of a family that means the world to me. Waes du hael Kim.
I still find myself at a loss to explain the depth of the impact he had on my life. He was a good friend, the giver of sage advice and guidance whenever I found myself in difficulty. More than that, I grew up in the society he founded and ran, and I could not have found a better home. It gave me friendships that have lasted a decade, and experiences that I cherish above all others. It could not be more central to my life. Regia will continue to stand as an incredible tribute to an incredible man.
Alas for the bright cup!
Alas for the mailed warrior!
Alas for the splendour of the prince!
Kim Siddorn – a true leader and friend. He will be deeply missed.
Tom Robinson
The world has become a smaller and sadder place. Waes du hail Kim Siddorn.
Stuart Makin
Gutted – he really was like a Dad – lol the times we spent gossiping and talking bikes. Years ago I was a bit lost and lonely and I happened across a Society called Regia Anglorum. It was full of people who wanted to be my friend - some of the earliest of whom where Patrick and Steve who are still there in my life. The many aspects of Regia provided loads of different skills to learn and things to do - something I really appreciated.
Over the coming years the Regia love connection provided me with a husband - my best friend and the love of my live (that would be Martin to you ).
You may ask the relevance of this and it's simple - Kim was Regia - the driving force that kept everything together for many years. Over time It expanded enough to have other leaders to carry on from now – but it was Kim's in the first place. – so to a very large degree I feel I owe all this to Kim. Add on that he was genuinely interested in all of us as a sort of surrogate Dad – except one you could talk to about things like motorbikes and stuff and the link that he forged to people was so strong that it is a true wrench that he is gone.
I think the absolute world of him and will truly miss being able to phone him up for a chat. So that is my indulgent post about how Kim affected me and others - and thus how he could walk forward with my love – respect and loyalty.... I know he affected many others just as strongly Vivat Rex, Vivat Kim
Clare Williams
Very sad news indeed. Thank you for letting us know so soon and thanks Rolly and Mike for those lovely words. Kim was a great wordsmith and we can never match him – his dedication to our society was second to none and he will be missed by us all. He was our leader and our friend. Waes du hael!
His first words to me were at Brockhole where he shouted at me to get off the Archery range where I was filming the fall of shot – from where the fall of shot was! That was 25 years ago and was the start of my transformation from a Royal Marine Officer to being a Viking.Like many many others he was a great influence on a change in my life style for which I thank him. It was a farewell he himself would be proud of – and he would be moved to see how much people thought of him. Regia members travelled from all over England – and Scotland to attend his farewell and all of us thought that it was the least we could do to show our appreciation of what he had done for all of us.
Farewell Kim!
Thanks for everything, and I will eat a Bacon Sandwich in your honour.
Ian ‘Snorri’ Uzzell
Gone but he will Never be forgotten!!!
David Noblett
Pass on our love and condolences to Hazel, Ali and Andrew. He leaves a huge hole in many lives.
Carole Tidy
Oh Kim (Neb Keprura). Such an amazing person that has touched so many lives. You were like a grandfather to me and sitting beside you in the long hall were some of the best times, hearing tales that really showed you lived life to the fullest and nothing stopped you. You and your beautiful beard will never leave us. Thank you for being you. I will miss you Kim.
Owen Tidy
Beautiful words, read with a heavy heart. Love to Hazel, Ali, Andrew and their families. Big hugs to the old Walrus.
Sharron Shulver
Sad news indeed. There are no words to fully sum up such a wonderful person! Love to all the family The last communication I had from a great friend was "that's what mates are for" I will miss you mate.
Helen Bowstead Stallybrass
Very sad news, all love and thoughts for his family. I think it's safe to say he will be sorely missed by many people.
Lauren Makin
Myles Stevens The saddest of news. Laying in the mud at York listening to Kim... Stays with you forever doesn't it?
Myles Stevens
I shall always remember him as a strong, canny and clever man. He was also a good friend, always supportive, but never pandering to fanciful ideas. I shall miss him.
Alan Tidy
The saddest of events, and one that could only be compounded by the season in which it has befallen his family and friends. Our deepest sympathies go out to them.
Jon Shaw
Very sad news. I first met Kim in the spring of 1988 at a local Derby/Wessex training event, the following weekend I was at my first Regia National event in kit lent to me by Kim. All I can say is thank you. You will be greatly missed.
Gregory Satterford
Sad news. All my love to the family and friends who knew him so well.
This is very sad news. I can only say as many have that we have lost a kinsman, a shouldercompanion and a friend.
Martin Williams
Rest in peace, and long live your spirit in Regia. I'm glad to have met him.
Tim Jorgensen
Sad news indeed.
Cattle die, kinsmen die, we ourselves die, I know one thing that never dies, the fame of a dead man's deeds.
Ali Napier
So sad to read this news this morning. I don't go to many shows, but Kim and I often exchanged writerly words via e-mail and he once showed me a wonderful short story he'd written which began with a man sitting with his feet stretched out to his hearth fire and a puppy snuggled up his sleeve. The world will be a much less colourful place without Kim but the afterlife has gained a worthy hero. My sincere condolences to his family and friends.
Elizabeth Chadwick
Sad news indeed. Wæs ðu hæl, Kim.
Philip McDonnell
Such sad news. The legend will live on.
Gerry Fox
Sad news.
Helen Naylor
Very sad news.
Nigel Neal
I am crushed, but grateful for his welcoming words upon joining Regia, his encouragement, and finally for having met him at Wychurst. Thoughts and prayers with Hazel. And thoughts of Kim's wild area at Wychurst behind the wall... fern and sapling that will remind me of his time.
Mike Baker
Cattle die, Kinsmen die, You yourself must die, But I know one thing never dies, Word-fame, well won.
Rest well Kim, We will remember you
Caillin Campsie
That is sad, sad news. Thoughts to his family and all those who knew him. Terry Pratchet once said/wrote that, "No one is actually dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away." Kim's ripples will never die away.
At Skibo, I was Kim's daughter and he tried to marry me off to the highest bidder. At Corbridge, I was his brother and he sent me off amid the flames of a burning boat. Above all, he was a friend. I wound him up; he smiled and called me a bastard.
Fibh sent him a little cross-stitched walrus for his 70th birthday, and he laughed. I offered him home baking, which he always took happily; he told me stories and I drank them in. They will be passed on, and more added as the years go by. We played 'Kim bingo' with his favourite commentary phrases, and he used them all the more. We took the piss, and he responded in kind. I raised my voice in song with his - perhaps the echoes are still there, in some corner of the longhall and along the slopes of Mam Tor. He stood with his hand on my shoulder, and I stood with my hand on his. We exchanged family histories, jokes, songs, smiles, and laughter; it was from Kim that we learned the spoon game. He was Regia's founder, leader, uncle figure, and we loved him for it.
May there be tea, just as he liked it - for preference, loose leaf single-estate Kenyan, brewed properly in a pot and stirred just before pouring, but failing that, a cuppa that he didn't have to get out of his chair for. May there be bacon butties aplenty, and cake for afterwards. But most of all may there be memories, stories, and legends that we pass down the years.
Louisa Sanderson
Deepest sympathy to Kim's family and friends.
Comer Parks
A very sad day indeed.
Kim was a lovely gentleman and leader and shows will be empty without him. Waes thu Hael, to the great man.
Kim was the first person I contacted when I joined Regia, so you could say it was his fault I'm here. I didn't know him like some of you did but I remember making him tea at the last show I made it to which was the de Montfort show last August I think, and there he was, sat in his car eating fish and chips and he gave me his bit of fish which he couldn't finish and I remember thinking that here was a man who was really not well, but there he was, in his 70's, sleeping in his car at a show. It made me realise how much he loved Regia. Tonight I'll remember him as the man who made everyone smile with his warmth and stories round the wic and light a little candle.
Paula Lofting Wilcox
Condolences to his family. All of us will feel his loss. How much different would many of our lives have been without him?
William Vallance
A sad loss indeed that will be felt far and wide. There are few people who can be said to have affected so many lives in such a positive way. Let's celebrate the man and his legacy, we stand on the shoulders of giants and Kim was certainly one of them! Conroi de Vey sends its condolences and very best wishes to his family both of blood and inclination. *manly hugs all round*
Simon Diment
One of the great big permanent people in life has now left. Someone so big he bent life around himself, rather than bending under it. I will expect to see him, yet no more - yet even writing that doesn't seem real. As if he could work his way out of even this...
Stephen Etheridge
Absolutely devastated here. Even though we knew he was so ill, the shock is like a kick in the head. A great man. It was good to be able to spend a lot of time with him at Evesham, even though it was awful to see him so unwell. We have lost a very good friend and it hurts.
Howard Giles, Event Plan
Sorry to hear this news. Sad day for Regia He'll be missed.
Dan & Britannia Re-enactment
The Vikings offer our sincere condolences on the passing of Kim Siddorn a veteran of reenactment and leader of Regia Anglorum.
The Vikings Society
An honour and a privilege to work with him on 1066. A great talent, historian and friend to many. He will be missed I'm sure.
Dominic Kinnaird, Fight Director
The Hoplite Association and all its members send their sympathies to Kim Siddorn's family and friends and members of Regia Anglorum. No words can express the lost of a man who has contributed so much to the development of living history ~ a sad loss to us all.
Steve Senior, the Hoplite Association
"On behalf of all of the Re-enacting Ancient Times Society, I offer our sincere sympathies to Kim's family and to the members of Regia Anglorum. Although we did not know Kim well, we knew him as a fellow re-enactor, a dedicated spokesman for the hobby that we love and someone whose mighty shoes will be hard to fill.
Richard Simmons, the Re-enacting Ancient Times Society
From all in the Roman Military Research Society, please accept our condolences on the loss of another inspirational man and fellow re-enactor. Ave atque vale (Hale and farewell) Kim Siddorn, sit tibi terra levis (may the earth lie lightly upon you).
Mark Hatch, the Roman Military Research Society
A great and respected man, an inspiration to many. My deepest sympathies to all who knew him.
Stephen Foster, Fairfax Battalion
On behalf of Gael Agus Gall Living History Group here in Ireland, please pass on our sympathies on the passing of the great Kim Siddorn.
Put simply our group wouldn't exist without Kim and Regia. Your group came over to Leixlip many moons ago and put on some great shows. It inspired us to start our own group and Kim was instrumental in helping us along.
I had the pleasure of joining Kim the second time you came over to Ireland, as it was Kim who insisted that a member of our group joined him on national television on a programme that was huge at the time, to help promote the festival.
To this day, I still use the maxim he passed on to us when we set up our own group; some sage advice: appoint in haste, repent in leisure. I use it to this day.
No doubt he will be missed.
Regards to all there from your comrades across the water.
Declan, Gael Agus Gall Living History Group
I haven’t been able to write this until now, partly because I’m no poet and so many have already said it better, but also because the pain was to near.
He took me under his wing when I was lost, he gave me purpose, he gave me responsibility, and he gave me trust. More importantly he led me to many of my best friends. Without him I would not have known so many wonderful people, including my dear wife. Knowing Kim was in the world somehow made it a better place and without him it seems much more empty and cold. He could be the most infuriating and difficult, but also the most inspiring and supporting person. I’m glad that my last words to him were to tell him just how much he meant to me.
To mangle and bastardise a great quote to my own ends,
“I’m proud to have followed you my brother…my captain…my king. Be at peace Son of Wessex”
Alexander Styles
RIP Kim. Thank you for introducing me to Regia Anglorum and being so approachable when I first enquired about joining. And thank you for driving me to York and Ashby for shows and training weekends when you knew I was strapped for cash for trains. I know I haven't been the most active member of Regia while you were the Eolder but the shows I did attend with you were great and I will remember them for a long time to come. Regia will be very different without you and you will be sorely missed. I'll raise a pint to you. Vivat Rex. Vivat Regia.
Alex Nunns
Today I said goodbye to a friend. But not just a friend, he was an inspiration, a voice of wisdom, a story teller. For 20 years you have given me joy and happiness. And experiences I could only have dreamed of.
I been the hero and the villain, a peasant and a king. I've sailed longships, slept in castles. I've been on TV more times than I can remember. I've met major politicians and film stars. Most amazingly of all I've even performed on stage at the Royal Albert Hall.
I would never have done any of these had it not been for you old friend. Most of all I will miss our little chats round the fire. Fair thee well old friend. Rest easy
Patrick O’Connell
We were so saddened to hear of Kim's passing, we knew him for many years and he was like an older brother to me. I missed him when we left Regia but I miss him more now. Our best wishes to Hazel and family, we'll raise a toast to him tonight. With much love from Martin and Barbara and all who new him in les Miles des Les Miles Des Marches - Shrewsbury Levy
Martin Latham, Les Miles des Marches
Goodbye Kim/Neb. I owe so much to you and it's not going to be the same without you. We will miss our storyteller, but you will become one of the tales told round the campfire and that feels right somehow. Let the legend begin.
Stephanie Everest
Goodbye Kim Neb Keprura Siddorn.
My family would not exist were it not for your brainchild, Regia Anglorum. Thank you!
Louise Archer
Goodbye Kim. Thank you for enriching my life for the past 30 years. You will be one hell of an act to follow, but we will do our best to look after you legacy. Father of two, you were the spiritual father to hundreds. Waes du hael my liege.
Ted Jones
Good bye Kim old chap. I'll always remember your rendition of 'Gil-Galad' in the 1066 in battle. The last 26 years have flown by. Farewell.
Matt Steward
A sad loss, you will be greatly missed Kim. Thank you for wise words when I needed them.
Richard Pearson
Keep a seat by the fire for me, old boy. I'll catch you up sometime.
Gary Golding
Kim Siddorn (Neb Keprura) passed away on Christmas day. I once offered him some very fine whiskey which he regarded with interest then drank from the bottle. Normally I'd have been outraged but it was Kim so it was ok. The next whiskey I'll have I'll drink from the bottle in his honour.
Tony Peel
Sitting up almost all night in Fishergate many years ago, listening to your stories, whilst warriors old and new drank, cursed and laughed raucously until 4 in the morning. Felt like a privileged member of a greater good, a better time. Tell your tales in the shadowlands and you will be well received with a high place at the mead bench. Waes du Hael.
Carla Phillips
The world is a darker place without you.
Phil Huckerby
Fare well, Kim. You will live long and well in our hearts.
Catherine Stallybrass
Deeply missed and fondly remembered. One of a kind and one of the best. Thank you for your vision, spirit, generosity, and friendship. It was an honour and a privilege to know you. Wæs þu hæl, Kim. Safe journey.
Lex King
Neb Keprura: Yesterday marked the passing of a great man an important man for the reenacting world. The Eolder of Regia, a fine craftsman and warrior, grand teller of tales and an genuinely fabulous man. Rest in peace friend.
Kyle Smith
I lack the eloquence of many who've spoken before me, but I have to say something. There's a hole in our lives where a great man once dwelt. We'll try to go on as before, but he'll always be missing. There aren't enough words to properly express the loss we all feel. The uplifting thought that he's now beyond pain, in the longhall of his fathers, isn't yet enough to salve the pain we feel at his passing. Sleep well Kim Neb Keprura, we love you, miss you, and will not forget you. Waes du hael.
Frankie Gibson
Sadly I joined too late to see Neb Keprura on the field, and I did not know him as well as others. But I remember my first events in re-enactment. Were this kind man took the time to talk to me, despite me being a complete stranger and newcomer to the society. And in those first days Kim made me feel welcome in a group I have come to think of as a second family, and not just some random newbie. For that I will always be grateful to him. Waes du hael Eolder
Harry Millington-Lee
He leaves us with many great memories. I will remember them to soften the sad news.
Young was I once, I walked alone,
and bewildered seemed in the way;
then I found me another and rich I thought me,
for man is the joy of man.
Mik Lawson
Yesterday a friend died who had a huge influence on my creative work, mostly because he knew I could never resist a challenge. So I've painted frescos in a Saxon longhall, started a BT inspired tapestry and made a 12th c mitre from scratch near enough and so, so much more because of his suggestion. Those 25 years seem to have gone so fast RIP Kim Siddorn Neb
Into darkness will I fade, into a night man has made, but through the darkness gleams the this case it's Kim tell stories by the fire in the other world. Will be greatly misses, love to Hazel, Ali and Andrew
Liz Da’born
The world of re-enactment and beyond lost a treasure of a man yesterday. I have no words except Kim will be sorely missed. I hope his family and many friends can take some comfort in seeing how well loved and respected he was. Although I can't read fb at the moment with dry eyes I am glad that I will be able to share memories with so many people whom he joined together as elder and father of Regia Anglorum. Great man, great leader.
Kate Mitchell
Sad, sad day. R.I.P. Neb Keprura (Kim Siddorn)
He was a wiley old bastard. But he was our wiley old bastard.
Kath Black
A truly great man has left this world, yet he lives on in the hearts and minds of all who knew him and in the fibres that hold together Regia Anglorum. Waes du hael Kim.
Daniel Davies
Thanks Kim,
For having made a newbie feel welcome all those years ago; for answering my what must have seemed bizarre and random email when I was doing my BA dissertation, and for your later comments when I asked for views when doing my MA one; for taking such an interest in the articles I submitted for Chronicle and encouraging me to do more...
Hope the Mead Hall is to your liking, and keep some seats free for the rest of us for when the time comes...
Jason Finch
I can't expand on what has already been said by so many. I'll miss you Neb Keprura.
John Donovan
This morning I heard that a gentleman that I both respected greatly and had the great fortune to meet and talk with about an amazing variety of things finally lost his battle with both cancer and old age last night in the closing hours of Christmas Day.
Waes du hal, Kim Siddorn aka Neb Keprura. May you rest in peace, you great walrus!
Alastair Bryan
Goodbye Eolder, a hole has been left that could never be replaced, sleep well.
Glen Ford
Good bye old fella, you will be missed by all those whose lives you touched. Good memories are cherished.
David Huggins
R.I.P. Kim x
Chloé Ahura
Feeling the loss of a dear friend today. A man who impacted my life far more than he could know. He helped put me on the path to authenticity and a dedication to a passion I had not known was possible. He introduced me to a group of people that over the years has grown to be a form of family to me so in a way he was a second father to many. He always had a kind word for me even when I erred from lack of knowledge in Anglo Saxon/Norse culture or bucked policy but stuck up for his determination to do what was best for his dream that was and always will be his Regia Anglorum in my eyes. Though I know as a group leader myself that it takes many hands to turn that wheel, he certainly was a guiding light.
My deepest condolences to his family and all our friends in Regia. Wæs þu hæl Kim Siddorn (Neb Keprura)
Anne Biddick Berdanier
Rest well old friend none made me feel more welcome than you and I doubt I'll ever meet a man as kind or inspiring we met only a few times but each has been truely memorable and with these memories you shall live on in all of us. Waes du hael Neb Keprura.
Jamal Blambo
I've just heard from Ian Uzzell that Kim Siddorn, one of the fathers of British Re-enactment, passed away last night. I met him on many occasions, and I'm very glad to have known him. He was knowledgeable, thoughtful and interesting, generous, good humoured and good company.
Kim's group, Regia Anglorum, remains as an expression of his a deep passion for and commitment to Anglo-Saxon history. He knew that a successful re-enactment group has to be enjoyable for participants and viewing public alike, but also has to help everyone to engage with historical and archaeological evidence and research. It was through Kim's emphasis on authenticity that this was made possible, and this approach is now essential to historical re-enactment not just in Regia but in many other groups in Britain and abroad.
Re-enactment continues to play an important role in stimulating interest in our past, and in allowing people to express and develop their interest. The re-enactor's approach to the past comes from a practical understanding of the problems they encounter, and has led to a whole new range of questions about that past. Nowadays, although there are still those who just don't get it, there are also many academic historians and archaeologists who have had (or sometimes still have) a connection with re-enactment, and whose work is enriched by this. The role re-enactment has played in re-engaging the public with the past is widely overlooked, but long before the big-budget historical TV programmes of today, there was a major revival of interest in our past seen in increased visitor numbers at historical sites, and re-enactment was a nursemaid to this revival. It breaks down the barrier between the person and the subject in a way that conventional approaches cannot achieve.
I don't mean to suggest that all of this is down to Kim alone - re-enactment is essentially a group activity and a social hobby - but through his good leadership, he was one of those who did most to make it possible.
Thor Ewing
Not much makes my blood run cold this news has. I've stared at this computer screen for at least 15 minutes agog if not shocked. Memories come flooding back from 1986 so many, overwhelming and intertwined...beyond expression into words. Thanks Kim, for Regia Anglorum for the joyous times.
Thomas Barker
The passing of a legend - Many condolences to his family. I'll never forget the first time I met Kim. It was on the beach at Bamburgh Castle in 82 I think and he told me about the far travels necklace he was wearing. He had a story for every bead, bit and bop. Rest easy old friend, you've earned it.
John Watson
Sleep well Neb Keprura.
Souixaan Beswick
To my lovely friend Kim Siddorn. You made magic happen and your legacy remains in our beautiful oak longhall at Wychurst. I will miss your company, love, humour and story telling. But most of all I will miss sitting next to you round our lovely log fire and chewing the fat. In my great big heart forever, mate. Love always and see you again in the Great Hall up in the sky. XXXXX
Gill Golding
The passing of a legend - Many condolences to his family. I'll never forget the first time I met Kim. It was on the beach at Bamburgh Castle in 82 I think and he told me about the far travels necklace he was wearing. He had a story for every bead, bit and bop. Rest easy old friend, you've earned it.
Mike Harris
Travel easy to the Hall of Warriors Neb Keprura, Rest in Peace.
Never will I forget your interest when I told you we were excavating a mass burial pit in Dorset of 54 decapitated Vikings. I did my best to ensure I could get photos for you and, sure enough, presented them to you at the Witan at the end of 2009.
And from that excavation you made it known that you were in league with National Geographic to make a documentary about it, and that Regia members were being utilised as historical extras, and you personal invitation for me to come along as one of those who uncovered these men...
Your interest into the lives of those around you ran so deep and was so genuine. Your love of your extended family was warm and affectionate. I cannot recall I time on meeting you where you did not ask after Kari and the boys. We can only hope your passing was peaceful, and that, upon taking your seat, you are able to continue that warmth and affection.
John Watson
The passing of a legend - Many condolences to his family. I'll never forget the first time I met Kim. It was on the beach at Bamburgh Castle in 82 I think and he told me about the far travels necklace he was wearing. He had a story for every bead, bit and bop. Rest easy old friend, you've earned it.
John Watson
So, Kim is gone. Not only was he my friend, he protected and loved my group when few others did. He covered for us so many times, stating that we were with him, when we were plainly causing chaos somewhere. We were old school, and so was he. He chuckled at our indiscretions, because he knew that we would always have his back, whatever. He even bade me to look after his daughter, when she lived amongst us Norfolk types. And I did, as best I could. I had a lot of time for that man, as did all the Lith. You will be sorely missed, my friend.
In our hearts, you will always be Lith. One of us.
Paddy Comer
Yesterday we lost one of the greats of British historical re-enactment, Kim Siddorn. He has been a huge influence on my life for the past 27 years, even though he didn't know it. He has also been influential in making re-enactment what it is today. When I started, historical re-enactment was poopooed amongst academia. I truly believe that this is, in part, due to the persistence among people like Kim to strive for the highest authenticity standards possible.
Sadly, this time the dead will not rise from the battlefield.
Waes thu Hael Kim! You will be much missed.
Sarah Doyle
Is truly saddened to hear of the death of Kim Siddorn, the leader of the Regia Anglorum Society, and the man who recruited me into the re-enactment world almost 25 years ago. There were occasions when many of us did not agree with him, but no one can deny that his approach and drive paved the way for a far higher degree of research and authenticity of the Early Medieval period, and many of the innovative ideas that he and Regia Anglorum put into place remain truly ground breaking to this day. My thoughts are with his family and Regia Anglorum as a whole, and I am certain that wherever he has gone, he is laughing and debating with many colleagues who got there before him. Rest in peace Kim.
Brendan Cronin
A big thank you to a friend who had a dream. I'm glad to have been part of it. He will be missed. It will live on.
Jon Smith
We would like to mark the passing of a friend of Wulfheodenas, Kim Siddorn. Kim (Neb Keprura) was probably the most important single person in the development of early medieval re-enactment in Britain and perhaps elsewhere. He was the highly respected leader of Regia Anglorum, and encouraged all who were and are members of that group. Although Wulfheodenas fell out of the time-scale covered by Regia, Kim always understood what we were about and encouraged us, both as individuals and as a group. We all have cherished memories of the time when he was the guest of honour of Wulfheodenas at Bishops Wood and he entertained us, round the fire, with tales from his vast repertoire.
To Kim, you will always be remembered
Wulfheodnas Living History and Heritage Society
Kim, we became Facebook friends 3 years ago today, real friends 27 years ago. Somewhere in those years you honoured me with the title of "spare daughter" and I loved and respected you like a Father. Now we all have to face this harsh world without your positivity, kindness, unconditional acceptance, great intelligence and wisdom, unyielding sense of occasion, guidance and council, inspirational leadership, passion for everything you loved and your love of the handing over of stories and teachings to enrich us all. As your real daughterly conveyed eloquently at your funeral – "missing you is the hardest thing I will ever have to do" – I concur.
Valhalla is a richer place for your presence xxxx
Jane Bleaken-Ball
With the passing of the great Kim Siddorn, the world, reenactment, and the conversation around the campfire has suffered a great loss. I am immensely privileged to have known him over the past few years. He was a truly multi-faceted man, interested in so many varying things. How many other bikers-cum-reenactors are known by the name of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh? His many stories shall live on.
Malcolm Butler