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Kingston Parade


Authenticity summary for early period kit

The year 925

Rough guide to the situation in 925

Rough situation at beginning of AD 925
Colour for AlbaAlba
Colour for DeheubarthDeheubarth
Colour for GwyneddGwynedd
Colour for JórvíkJórvík
Colour for MorayMoray
Colour for NorwayNorway
Colour for StrathclydeStrathclyde
Colour for WessexWessex
Colour for AlbaAlba
Colour for DeheubarthDeheubarth
Colour for GwyneddGwynedd
Colour for JórvíkJórvík
Colour for MorayMoray
Colour for NorwayNorway
Colour for StrathclydeStrathclyde
Colour for WessexWessex


The ruler of Alba was King Constantine II (Constantine the Middle-Aged), who had ruled since 900 and would continue to do so until 943.

Image of King Hywel ap Cadell ap Rhodri
King Hywel ap Cadell ap Rhodri of Deheubarth


The ruler of Deheubarth was King Hywel ap Cadell ap Rhodri (Hywel the Good), who had ruled since 920 and would continue to do so until 950.


The ruler of Gwynedd was King Idwal ab Anarawd (Idwal the Bald), who had ruled since 916 and would continue to do so until 942.


The ruler of Jórvík was King Sigtrygg (Sigtrygg One-Eye), who had ruled since 921 and would continue to do so until 927.


The ruler of Strathclyde at this time was likely to have been King Owain map Dyfnwal.


The ruler of Wessex was King Æthelstan (Æthelstan the Glorious), who had ruled since 924 and would continue to do so until 939.